Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Race Colors Judgement Essay

The criminal justice system in the United States is one of the many places that I believe stereotypes are formed. For example, African-Americans make up only 13% of the U. S. population but represent 46% of the inmate population who have received sentences of more than one year (Hart, 2006, p. 1). Another example of a racial disparity can be seen the percentage of African-Americans who are drug users (14%) and those sentenced for drug offenses (53%) (Sentencing Project, 2009 p. 3). More African-American men are in prison or jail, on probation or parole then were enslaved in 1850, before the Civil War began,† (Alexander, 2010). However, this is not just a problem within the African-American community. More than 60% of the people in prison are now racial and ethnic minorities and three-fourths of all persons in prison for drug offenses are people of color (www. sentencingproject. org). The Bureau of Justice Statistics shows, that the likelihood for an African-American or Hispanic to be imprisoned is, 18. % for African-Americans and 10% for Hispanics, while the likelihood for Whites is 3. 4% (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2005). Brennan and Spohn (2009) showed in their study, â€Å"The Joint Effects of Offender Race/Ethnicity and Sex on Sentence Length Decisions in Federal Courts†, that African-American males received a significantly longer sentence (93 months) than White males (86. 2 months) (Brennan & Spohn, 2009). These are just some of the numbers, which cannot be ignored. An important question to ask; why are these racial disparities happening? In the study â€Å"White juror bias: An investigation of racial prejudice against Black defendants in the American courtroom†, Sommers & Ellsworth (2001) have a quote, which, I think, sums up the reasoning for studying race and its effect on juries, it came from one of my favorite movies: â€Å"In our courts, when it is a white man’s word against a black man’s, the white man always wins. They’re ugly, but those are the facts of life†¦The one place where man ought to get a square deal is a courtroom, be he any color of the rainbow, but people have a way of carrying their resentments right into the jury box† (From To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee, 1960, p. 20). The thinking by many social psychologists is â€Å"Racism still exists in our society today but is no longer endorsed by explicit racist beliefs or overt acts of prejudice† (Sommers & Ellsworth, 2003). Instead it’s a â€Å"Subtle, implicit, or aversive form of racism† (Sommers & Ellsworth, 2003). Whites in our society are taught to embrace egalitarianism (equality) and make a conscious effort to behave non-prejudice, or have non-bias beliefs. However, that does not mean that they still don’t harbor prejudicial attitudes. In a trial setting aversive racism and race salience, or racially charged vs. racially neutral, go hand and hand. Studies have concluded, a trial that is racially charged reminds jurors of their egalitarianism, but in a trial not racially charged a jurors’ motivation to avoid being prejudice is not triggered; instead they demonstrate their racial bias (Sommers & Ellsworth, 2001). It is the run of the mill trials where juror biases are displayed. White jurors need to be â€Å"reminded† that they should not have a bias. By â€Å"reminding† them, by a racially motivated incident, jury voir dire, jury instructions before deliberation, and others, White jurors are less likely to demonstrate racial bias towards an African-American defendant. Jury composition or heterogeneity vs. homogeneity groups, is theorized to be a huge factor in overall group decision-making skills. This is especially important in the jury decision-making process and verdicts because minorities are underrepresented on a jury. Sommers’s study â€Å"Racial Diversity and Group Decision Making† (2006) concluded, a jury, which has heterogeneity, rather than homogeneity considers a wider range of perspectives and information (Sommers, 2006). It was the diversity of the group influence on the White juror more than the performance of the African-American juror in the group (Sommers, 2006). This is not to say that the African-American juror did not perform well. Since many juries are not racially diverse, Whites on a jury may forget their egalitarian values, may not consider a wider range of perspectives and information, and will spend less time on their decisions. In-group bias is when people show a strong preference for fellow in-group members and tend to malign out-group members (Sommers & Ellsworth, 2000). Thomas Pettigrew, current Research Professor of Social Psychology at the University of California, in his 1979 study demonstrated that negative behaviors of in-group members were attributed to situational forces but negative behaviors of out-group members were attributed to inherent dispositions, which is the opposite from positive behavior attribution (Sommers & Ellsworth, 2000). This is a particularly important theory because juries for criminal trials are taking in facts pertaining to the negative behavior of a defendant who is either from their in-group or out-group. Systematic information processing is conceptualized as â€Å"Comprehensive analytic orientation to inform processing in which perceivers access and scrutinize a great deal of information for its relevance to their judgment task† (Tamborini et al. , 2007) Heuristic processing is conceptualized as â€Å"A more limited mode of information processing that requires less cognitive effort and fewer cognitive resources than systematic processing† (Tamborini et al. , 2007) Simple stated, heuristic information processing are shortcuts using previous knowledge and stereotypes, which influences peoples’ judgments. During a trial, jurors take in enormous amounts of information and when deliberating they tend to fill in the missing information with past experiences or stereotypes about certain crimes and criminals. This is not their intention, however it is how people cognitively process information-we put information into or take it out of certain categories. There are three main research methods used to study race and its effects on juries (Sommers & Ellsworth, 2003). Archival analysis of actual cases is ideal but there are a lot of confounding variables, which are hard to measure and control statistically (Sommers & Ellsworth, 2003). Another method used is post-trial juror interviews. This method is useful because you are asking direct questions of the jurors, who were part of the real trials. However, it is time consuming, has a small sample size, and relies on self-reporting by jurors (which in unreliable) (Sommers & Ellsworth, 2003). The third method is mock juror experiments, which relies on the experimental method of social psychology and allows the experimenters to control the confounding variables (Sommers & Ellsworth, 2003). There are some downfalls to using mock juror experiments as well, such as using college students as participants, written trial summaries, instead of witnessing a real trial, and the decision made by mock jurors have no real consequences (Sommers & Ellsworth, 2003). According to Sommers and Ellsworth (2003) it is best to use multiple methods. For example compare archival data to mock jury data. As I stated earlier, aversive racism and race salience (racially charged vs. racially neutral) in trials go hand and hand. Sommers and Ellsworth (both social psychologists) first studied race salience in their study, â€Å"Race in he Courtroom: Perceptions of Guilt and Dispositional Attributions† (2000). Since the theory of aversive racism (modern or subtle) states, Whites are more motivated to â€Å"appear† non-prejudice when racial issues are salient or prominent. They found that when a trial involves race salience the race of the defendant did not influence the White jurors (Sommers & Ellsworth, 2000). However, when a trail did not have race salience, the African-American defendants were found to be more guilty, aggressive, and violent by the White juror then the White defendant. This could have a profound effect, since Whites are not caught up in the day to day of racial issues, they may not take notice to the most subliminal racial issues in a trial. It may cause them to revert back to the more overt form of racism without even consciously knowing they are being racist or displaying their biases. A more recent study, â€Å"Diversity and Fairness in the Jury System†, conducted for the Ministry of Justice Research Series, by Thomas and Blamer (2007) concluded when a trial is racially charged (race salience), conviction rates for African-American defendants were lower. However, the conviction rate between White jurors and African-American jurors for African-American defendants were no different (Thomas & Balmer, 2007) (44% and 43%). In trials that were racially neutral, White jurors had low conviction rates for African-American defendants, while African-American jurors had high conviction rates for White defendants and low conviction rates for African-American defendants (Thomas & Balmer, 2007). This was a very interesting finding because in the Sommers and Ellsworth studies (2000, 2001) African-American jurors showed leniency both in race salience and non-race salience trials. Thomas and Balmer (2007) point out that in the Sommers and Ellsworth study that jurors did not decide cases as part of a jury with any deliberations (Thomas & Balmer, 2007). The results in the Thomas and Blamer study showed that individual jurors had difference conviction rates, but as a jury there was no difference between race salience and non-race salience trails (Thomas & Blamer, 2007). None of the juries (there were 8 in all) in the Thomas and Blamer (2007) study convinced the White defendant, The juries in England and Wales where this study took place have the same makeup as juries in the United States, majority White (Thomas & Balmer, 2007). That makes a nice segway into my next theory of jury composition because it appears that they dynamic of a racially mixed jury helped ensure individual biases were not allowed to dictate verdicts (Thomas & Balmer, 2007). Justice Thurgood Marshall said, â€Å"Diverse juries enjoy wider ranging discussions because White and Black jurors bring different experiences and perspectives to the jury room† (Sommers, 2006). Not only do African-American jurors bring different experiences but also, as we saw in the Thomas and Balmer (2007) study a racially mixed jury might help to ensure individual biases are not allowed to dictate verdicts. Again, referring to a study by Sommers (the leading researcher in this field) in which he specifically studies â€Å"The multiple effects of racial composition on jury deliberations† (Sommers, 2006). Having African-Americans (or minorities in general) on a jury can bring two different types of diversity-deep-level diversity and surface-level diversity (Sommers, 2007). Both can affect information exchange in different ways. Deep-level diversity brings the expertise, attitudes, and values of the individual members to the deliberation room (Sommers, 2007). Surface-level diversity brings members’ demographics and social category membership into the deliberation room (Sommers, 2007). Sommers’ (2006) found diverse groups spent more time deliberating, made fewer factual errors, and if there was an error it was more likely to be corrected, more open-mindness, and less resistance to discussions of controversial race topics (Sommers, 2006). The homogenous jury was the opposite (Sommers, 2006). Those results showed the affect deep-level diversity could bring to a jury. However, another aspect, which will bring me back to the theory of aversive racism and race salience, is the affect having diversity has on a White juror. By having a racially diverse jury, the White jurors have the issue of race and egalitarian values in the forefront of their minds. The White jurors are avoiding seeming bias. Sommers et al. , (2008) conducted a study to see if there are â€Å"Cognitive effects of racial diversity in a group. † The study found that Whites in a diverse group process information more thoroughly. They had no interaction with a diverse group member, it was simply being aware of a diverse group composition, which impacted the cognition of White members. It even improved reading comprehension of race-relevant passages, especially when Whites expected to have race-relevant conversation. This is important in a legal context as well. If a White juror’s cognitive ability, and information processing is improved they will use systematic processing which is â€Å"A comprehensive, analytic orientation to information processing in which perceivers access and scrutinize a great deal of information for its relevance to their judgment task†, instead of heuristics processing or shortcuts in their decision making (Tamborini et al. 2007). The Supreme Court attempted to make juries more racially diverse â€Å"Batson prohibition against race-based peremptories was based on two assumptions: (1) a prospective juror’s race can bias a jury selection judgments; (2) requiring attorneys to justify suspicious peremptories enables judges to determine whether a challenge is, indeed, race-neutral† (Batson v. Kentucky, 476 U. S. 79 (1986). To summarize the findings, White jurors tend to show their bias towards African-American defendants when the trial is not racially charged because they are not motivated to conceal their bias (aversive racism and egalitarian views). In homogenous juries Whites are more like to be bias, spend less time on their decisions, make more errors, consider fewer perspectives, are not motivated to conceal their bias. Also, when there is information overload jurors use heuristics (shortcuts) to process information, rather than a systematic review of the information. Tis effect, of using shortcuts, produces bias judgment for both African-American jurors and White jurors. All the aforementioned could be cause for the bias decision making of jurors and juries. However, there are positives that can be found throughout these studies. For instance, racially diverse juries, and race salience trials can help alleviate the biases by jurors and juries. It also proves that not all White juries are affected by the race of a defendant (in certain situations). Race and its effect on jury decisions is a topic that will be studied for years to come because of the complex nature of a jury and modern racism. Although studies have shown bias decision-making by White jurors there is still not enough statistics to make a causal connection. Research has also shown ways in which a jury’s bias can be minimized. The jury is one of the backbones of the court system, because of this, it is imperative that we continue to study juror bias and how to minimize their bias through different trial techniques and policies and procedures.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Assignment on Horlicks

ASSIGNMENT-2 SUB: Pick up a Branded product & explain the Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning of the Product HORLICKS – AN INTRODUCTION Horlicks is a name of the company and of a malted milk hot drink. It is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline in the United Kingdom, South Africa, New Zealand, Bangladesh, Pakisthan, India and Jamaica. Horlicks came to India with British army. British army gave them as a Diet Supplement in the time of World War 1 and then took this as a family drink. It became a sort of status symbol of upper class Indians and middle classes.In recent years, there has been an increase in the scope of the brand in India. Horlicks has become an umbrella brand for a wide variety of products. Now Horlicks is a leading health drink of India for all aged groups. SEGMENTATION & TARGETING Horlicks introduced a wide varieties of product to india. Horlicks meant everything to everybody. It was a health drink that every one consumed. Right from small children to very elderly people Horlicks realized this and came out with its new versions of different horlicks to different customers.Horlicks differentiated the product as follows; Horlicks Junior It is for Pre-school children. Keeping the targeted customers in mind the packaging is cute and package has a picture of a small elephant which is very exciting for small children’s Horlicks Regular It is for General use. Regular Horlicks is a health drink of people of all ages. The packaging is contemporary and has great visuals to attract children and the young adults. Horlicks Mothers It is special nutritional drink with 26 vital nutrients designed keeping the specific needs of the pregnant and breast feeding women.The packaging is very interesting. It is shaped like an hour’s glass Horlicks Lite and Lite bite A nutritional drink and snack specially designed for all health conscious adults and is also suitable for use by people with diabetes. The packaging again is interesting. The horlicks lite is thin and tall. The Horlicks proves that segmentation could very efficient way of holding on and even increasing one’s market share. What is needed is clear focus and clever innovations in adapting product and changing the needs of customers. POSITIONING & RE-POSITIONINGIt was initially introduced both a substitute & an additive to milk and it was initially positioned itself as â€Å"as food for convalescing†& a nutrient supplement for kids only. Re-Positioning From a boring nutritional drink, GSK positioned Horlicks as â€Å"Pleasurable Nourishment† by launching it in vanilla, chocolate and honey variants. It introduced other variants like-Jr. Horlicks, Women’s Horlicks, Mother Horlicks& Horlicks Lite to reposition itself from the children segment to other segment for consumption. Marketing Mix (4 p’s) for Horlicks Product:Horlicks is a widely regarded and highly respected 130-year-old brand. GSK has four brands in the health food drinks segmen t. Apart from Horlicks, which contributes Rs 600 crores in revenue to the consumer healthcare division, it has Boost, Maltova and Viva – the last three are much smaller brands than Horlicks. Faced with stagnating sales in the health food drinks segment, the company has chalked out an aggressive brand push strategy and a revamp for its flagship brand, Horlicks. The relaunch aims to focus on children as Horlicks was previously considered as a nourishment drink for old people.The company expects Horlicks contribution to the total turnover to be around Rs 800 crore which amounts to a major chunk of the company’s turnover. Horlicks is a nourishing malted food drink which combines the wholesome goodness of malted barley, wheat and dairy ingredients. A For more nourishment, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare India Ltd (GSKCH) has relaunched its flagship brand Horlicks. A to enable consumers choose different flavours, Horlicks is now available in Regular, Chocolate, Creamy Va nilla and Honey Buzz varieties in a new package.A Horlicks drinks provide the following essential nutrients: A Proteins, Carbohydrate, Fat, Vitamin A, Niacin, Vitamin B1, VitaminB12, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, and Iron & Calcium Price: HORLICKS Flavors (Rs) ElaichiChocolateHoney BuzzVanilla Weight (gm)JarRefill PackJarRefill PackJarJar 20057-57— 500108103108103108108 1000199189—- HORLICKS JUNIOR Weight (gm)JarRefill Pack 20058- 500114105 Target market: Earlier Horlicks believed, white drinks are for the entire family in contrast to the browns, whose prime target audience is children.This is probably because whites–whose growth rate is faster than the browns–have the added advantage of being perceived as food which enhances the healthy image of those who are recovering. But gradually they realized that they have to focus on one segment of market that is children. Horlicks is now positioned as a pleasurable nourishment drink aimed at children between the age gr oup of 8 -14. Nowadays children have tremendous influence on the things purchased for the family and therefore we want children to prefer Horlicks as a pleasurable nourishment drink.While all the action will be in the general Horlicks segment, the focus of Junior Horlicks (target segment: kids between one and three) will continue to remain the same. Promotion: The company has earmarked around Rs 10 crores for brand promotion throughout 2003, and 70% of this will be spent in next six months. Sixty-five per cent of the ad-spend (around Rs 10 crores) will be for the visual medium and the balance for the print and others. Apart from the high-decibel media campaign, the company also plans to conduct an inter-school competition called Activity 2003 in which around 1. million students are expected to take part. Unlike its other drink (the Rs 170-crore Boost, promoted by Sachin Tendulkar); the new Horlicks does not have a brand ambassador. While all the action will be in the general Horlick s segment, the focus of Junior Horlicks (target segment: kids between one and three) will continue to remain the same. The brand will continue to talk to the mother since the purchase decision rests with her. Place: It has a strong marketing network in India comprising over 1800 wholesalers and direct coverage of over 4,00,000 retail outlets.Horlicks sales have been strong in the south and eastern markets which contributes about 46 per cent and 47 per cent of the total sales. Milk-deficient South and East preferred white liquid powders (Horlicks, Viva, and Complan) as the drink could be prepared with hot water. SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTH †¢It is current No: 1 position in the market †¢Variety of product targeting different segments †¢Trusted brand †¢Ã¢â‚¬ËœHealth’ is the central idea for all the products of horlicks †¢All the products of Horlicks belong to different categories which will not kill the market of its own product. WEAKNESS Customer perceived v alue of Women’s Horlicks †¢Price of Women’s Horlicks †¢Packaging of Women Horlicks Opportunities †¢Making Nutribar individual brand without the endorsement of Horlicks †¢Creating functional food category with the help of Nutribar (functional foods are those Health foods like energy drinks, cereals and cereal bars which contain health promote ingredients. ) †¢The market for functional foods in India is estimated to be around Rs 1700 crores and is growing very fast. THREAT †¢Cheaper version of Horlicks that is ASHA may damage the brand. CONCLUSION As far as I am concerned

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analyse the dramatic effectiveness in Act 3, Scene 5 Essay Example for Free (#3)

Analyse the dramatic effectiveness in Act 3, Scene 5 Essay Drama (623) , Romeo and Juliet (446) , Capulet (321) , Lady Capulet (110) , County Paris (19) , Juliet (12) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints Looking closely at the characters and language in Romeo and Juliet, analyse the dramatic effectiveness in Act 3, Scene 5 William Shakespeare wrote â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† in 1954, although the basic plot can be traced back as early as the third century. In the play, Shakespeare relies heavily on the poem â€Å"The Tragicall History of Romeus and Juliet† by Arthur Brooke. Most of the people in the Elizabethan era were perceptive enough to concentrate on how the play was being performed and engaged themselves in the language the characters were using. Shakespeare’s audiences had different expectations towards his play, as many of them recognised the story already, they were settled enough to watch it providing the dramatist’s interpretation proved to be unique and original. I have been looking closely at Act 3, Scene 5 where Romeo and Juliet have just been secretly married. The scene opens with the two lovers having to part quickly after the Nurse informs Juliet her mother is swiftly approaching. Already a dramatic atmosphere is created, the audience is almost waiting for Romeo and Juliet to be caught out, this they know can simply not happen. Juliet is understandably tearful; Romeo is sympathetic towards her, showing he really cares for her: â€Å"I will omit no opportunity That will convey my greetings, love, to thee† All this is in comparison to later scenes in the play showing Juliet solitary and unsupported. Between the two lovers, there is a great difference, Romeo appears more optimistic than Juliet who is full of fear, sensing premonitions of her next seeing Romeo dead in a tomb. Her premonitions affect the audience, making them apprehensive and tense: â€Å"O God, I have an ill- divining soul! Methinks I see thee, now thou art so low As one dead in the bottom of a tomb. † The audience hears these harsh, severe words and are reminded of Romeo’s earlier startling premonition that he would die young: â€Å"†¦. My mind misgives Some consequence not yet hanging in the stars†¦.. By come vile forfeit of untimely death. † A chilling effect is created on those viewing the play as they start to realise and understand the significance of the two premonitions. By looking back into earlier scenes, dramatic effectiveness is created. Juliet uses language that shows how she is fearful of how her life with Romeo could easily be destroyed. She speaks to him strongly, showing a strong contrast to her soft words used previously. The strong bond that has been created between the two lovers before the audience’s eyes is momentarily going to be destroyed; tension is created as an aftermath of this feeling. This tension carries on and becomes hugely greater as the news of County Paris’ proposal is first heard of. The audience watch, already aware of the proposal, as the news is given to an extremely shocked Juliet. They wait anxiously for Juliet’s sake as she learns of it, and so a dramatic effectiveness is cast over them. The scene is made effective by the use of irony from Lady Capulet. As Lady Capulet refers to her â€Å"joyful tidings† and Juliet’s response is ironically a pleased one: â€Å"And joy comes well in such a needy time† But then the audience sees the real reason of Lady Capulet’s announcement and the hesitation of the crucial words proves to be highly dramatic, â€Å"Shall happily make thee there a joyful bride† Juliet’s intense anger would make great drama on stage, she shows her raging reaction well: â€Å"Now by Saint Peter’s church and Peter too He shall not make me there a joyful bride! † Juliet’s response shows exactly how she is feeling about the matter; she does not hold back at all. The audience knows the dilemma she is facing, one of bigamy, they are deeply involved and show much needed sympathy to Juliet. In the conversation that follows the cold and sharp language both Juliet and her mother used are very effective. Both sides address each other very formally, Juliet calling Lady Capulet, â€Å"My Lady†, â€Å"Mother† where Lady Capulet calls Juliet â€Å"girl† and â€Å"child†. This doesn’t seem to be the language one would expect from a close knit and loving family. This could lead to the conclusion that Juliet’s relationship is far from the relationship she has with Romeo; a loving and stable one. When Lord Capulet enters Juliet’s room, it proves to be a significantly dramatic scene because of the violence and fury portrayed by Lord Capulet. He arrives in her room in a threatening manner; his wife shows fear warning us to expect the worst, â€Å"Here comes your father. Tell him so yourself And see how he will take it at your hands. † Lord Capulet does not expect Juliet to disobey him, he would simply expect grateful thanks and obedience from his daughter. He portrays himself as someone who is used to getting his own way and the way that he regards himself as royalty emphasises to his huge ego and elevated formal language,†Have you delivered to our decree? † He shows great enthusiasm as he enters Juliet’s room, he seems delighted with his plan and congratulates himself on stage. Being the only man on stage, he is showing domination and the audience can see that he likes to be in control. He makes the women afraid; his centre role on stage shows this. The language that he uses is indeed very dramatic and effective. He poses questions to Juliet, being sharp and short when he does so showing how bewildered he is, and he vociferously attacks his daughter overwhelming her with numerous with numerous questions which she does not have time to answer, â€Å"How? Will she none? Doth she not give us thanks? † Capulet’s sentence construction is cleverly disjointed emphasising greatly on his anger that is building up rapidly. He shows more of an interest in finding a way to answer Juliet’s questions and his concern is more about his cleverness than the distress of his only daughter. He uses aggressive terms to Juliet, † you greensickness carrion†, † young baggage†, both examples are very aggressive and devegiating. Analyse the dramatic effectiveness in Act 3, Scene 5. (2017, Aug 29). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

BHS 220 Case 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

BHS 220 Case 5 - Essay Example It is denoted H1. Citing the previous example an alternative hypothesis can be represented as follows. Statement of the research question – the moment a researcher identifies a research problem. He/she comes up with an exhaustive research question that will enable him/her to carry out a rigorous process. This enables him to also identify parameters as well as variables to be used in the sample data collection. Formulation of the null and alternative hypothesis – at this level the researcher states the null and alternative hypothesis. For example, if we wish to test if the graduating age of a graduate is 24, then Compute the rejection region – here the p-value which is the probability of the test statistic is calculated for both tails. This value is compared with the value from the tables at the level of significance selected in step 2 above. If the probability is less than or equal to the significance level, then the null hypothesis is rejected and the opposite is true. Stating conclusions – the first statement should describe the results of the null hypothesis and those of the alternative hypothesis, stating whether we rejected the null hypothesis or not. The second statement should refer to the research question deducing respective inferences based on the outcome of the null hypothesis. In this case the first step will be specifying the null and the alternative hypothesis. Then choose the level of significance to be used and compute the test statistic. Compute the probability of the test statistic which is the p-value on both tails. This will give you a basis for rejecting or not rejecting the null hypothesis (rejection region). Lastly, deduce vivid and realistic conclusions from the outcome of the null

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Film And Ideology In Blue Velvet By David Lynch Essay

Film And Ideology In Blue Velvet By David Lynch - Essay Example On the other hand, a meticulous observation of the scenes that includes even the minutest details in the movie would aid in identifying the different philosophies that the movie wants to present to its viewers. The characters had at the same time played their parts well such that they were able to deliver the roles they play at par. The actors represented different characters that reveal the deepest secrets in a small suburban town in America. These secrets that were revealed by the film illustrate the fact that even in small towns that look peaceful and serene; a nightmare could lie beneath its surface. Unlike any other movies in the 80s, David Lynch has been successful in creating various symbolisms in the movie "Blue Velvet." From a town that is overwhelmed with bright white fences, blood red fire trucks running along the streets, as well as the pruned roses in the gardens of every household, Lynch was able to transcend meaning through these objects that can be observed during the entire length of the movie. Even the first scenes of the movie where the lead character, Jeffrey Beaumont, had found a severed, ant-infested human ear near a glassy trail had its own significant symbolism in the story. ( review.aspID=56, para 1) Lynch's mise en scene clearly describes the reality and streams of the subconscious throughout the film in this psychosexual drama in 1980. "The many rooms of Blue Velvet are fascinatingly representative of internal moods: the white walls of the virginal Sandy's home; the garish blues and vaginal pinks of Dorothy's kitschy modern apartment; and the cluttered, homely look of the Beaumont home. Jeffrey innocently woes Sandy with an okey-dokey "chicken walk" before the officer's daughter speaks of a dream where darkness fell upon the face of the earth because there were no robins." (, para 1) The illustrations above are just examples of the various symbolisms Lynch used to create an association of the philosophies of human characters and attitudes with the scenes in the movie. Ideologies in "Blue Velvet" The complications of life are brought about by one's own acts, chosen freely according to his choice. From the moment Jeffrey Beaumont found the severed ear along a grassy field in his hometown, he had allowed the overwhelming situation after the incident affects his life. He could have decided not to submit himself into the situation but Jeffrey chooses to take part in the investigation. This eventually had led him to a more complicated situation that almost cost him his life. Every action has its own consequence that should be faced with enough strength and knowledge, as well as the wisdom that would lead to the preferred outcome of the involved. Jeffrey's character, who is at that time in his tender college years, is faced with overwhelming circumstances that showed him the reality of a life that is filled with responsibilities and mystery enveloping one's personality. How he'd respond to them relies in himself alone. The events in the movie had emphasized Jeffrey's innocent transformation from a young adult into a man who had explored the mysteries that

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Survey and analysis of the IT employment market Report Essay

Survey and analysis of the IT employment market Report - Essay Example Broadly speaking, these include the (1) design, (2) selection, and (3) setting up of computer systems. Systems engineers help organizations in acquiring and installing data processing systems that are affordable as well as workable, and are suited to the existing and anticipated needs. It has been noted that â€Å"systems engineers work at various levels in the design and coordination of large and complex projects known as systems† (Net Industries and its Licensors, 2010). However, fresh graduates are generally placed in the baseline positions. One of the major controlling bodies is Engineers Australia which is â€Å"the national forum for the advancement of engineering and the professional development† (Engineers Australia, 2010) of its members. According to the official website of the organization, â€Å"with more than 85,000 members embracing all disciplines of the engineering team, Engineers Australia is the largest and most diverse professional body for engineers in Australia†; it further claims that engineers who have been given chartered status by it â€Å"are regarded as trusted professionals not only in Australia, but worldwide† (Engineers Australia, 2010). Apart from providing official recognition to member engineers, the main activities of Engineers Australia include (1) advocacy, (2) professional development, (3) program accreditation, and (4) Migration Skills Assessment (MSA). This position is that of â€Å"a SharePoint architect, providing technical and design solutions; the focal point for coordinating and delivering SharePoint user support and optimization; a solution provider, troubleshooting and fixing technical issues; an application integrator, integrating SharePoint with other products; and a project manager, defining, planning and executing SharePoint and infrastructure projects† (IAEA,

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Introduction to Probability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Introduction to Probability - Essay Example The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s report of a decline in mortality rate, from â€Å"747.0 deaths per 100000 populations in 2010 to 740.6 deaths per 100000 populations,† is an example of probability, a comparative probability. The first section of the compound probability means that for every 100000 people in the target society, 747 died and the statement means that in the year 2010, a member of the society had a probability of dying of 0.00747. The second part of the compound probability shows that for every 100000 people in the population, 740 died in the year 2011 with the implication that each person had a probability of 0.00741 of dying in the year 2011. The compound probability, however, offers a basis for comparing the  probability of death in the society and indicates that people had a lower likelihood of dying in the year 2011 as compared to their probability of dying in the year 2010. This offers a basis for understanding factors affecting deat h rates towards improving people’s welfare and increasing life expectancy by understanding significant factors that changed between the two years. The probability example is applicable to stakeholders to health care for determining initiatives for healthy living (Hoyert and Xu, 2012). Probability defines the likelihood of an occurrence and is expressed as a comparative of a baseline. It is normally expressed as a percentage or as a fraction but can take assume different reference bases.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Lewis and Clarks attitudes toward Native Americans Essay

Lewis and Clarks attitudes toward Native Americans - Essay Example For Jefferson, he required maximizing their time looking for the natural resources and while learning more about the geographic of the American Interiors. Moreover, Jefferson required that they treat the natives America with kindness and establish a good relationship that would culminate to winning over their trust. This was a different tactic from that that the British exploration was using in their quest for American territory. Jefferson, Lewis, and Clark found an established natives in Mandan villages. The native had organized businesses and favorable settlement. For them, they required little effort to create rapport with the population of about 5000 natives. After they have spent the winter in the native’s villages, Clark and Lewis brought a new disease that wiped the entire populations of the natives. They unwittingly wipe away local natives by 1830s. However, except for the interruption of the native by the white disease Lewis and Clark had to achieve most of the things they were required to collect by President Jefferson. They had a wonderful time with a native, and they would feel lonely when they could not find any of Indians to talk to. More than the expectation of Jefferson, Clark, and Lewis were able not only to gather ethnographic data, but they established a relationship that later defined the expansion of Jefferson administration. Jefferson though had instructed Lewis and Clark to relate well with the native had his worst among the natives. He feared that they would end his political careers. His fear is confirmed by his spending on the study of the native to understand them better and offer opinions and recommendation on how to establish a working relationship.5 However, Lewis and Clark had cordial and well intentions to the local natives. For example, Clark argued that the native belonged to the Great Chief of the white people. Jefferson though had instructed Lewis and Clark to relate well with the native had his worst among the natives. He feared that they would end his political careers. His fear is confirmed by his spending on the study of the native to understand them better and offer opinions and recommendation on how to establish a working relationship.However, Lewis and Clark had cordial and well intentions to the local natives. For example, Clark argued that the native belonged to the 'Great chief of the white people.' For them, they did not fear the Native American but saw opportunities in their rich culture and settlements.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Economics history Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Economics history - Assignment Example She explains this revolution to be a ‘quit revolution’ which she asserts as a slow and gradual process which didn’t jump by the steps but gradually changed the norms of market economy as well as the social norms and concerns about position of women in economy. As she describes, this change has not been only a part of economical circle instead it has changed the social norms too. However, she mainly focuses on the requirement of elastic labour and availability of various positions that women can easily fulfil. Also, she goes back in history to explore the roots of this revolution in three evolutionary phases which she relates and manifests as the backdraft of revolutionary change. Although, the overall process seems more like a reform, Goldin asserts the final uplifts and change in women employment, education and family as revolutionary. There are number of reasons she sees behind this revolution but mainly the difference of treatment and returns in labour market. The overall change of patterns she sees in the three evolutionary phases which brought women in a position from where increased participation in labour market came to appear as obvious. The deepest root for revolution she find in first quarter of twentieth century where woman played important roles in some limited jobs and tasks. Although, those women were poorly educated and had a very low relative income, yet they became a part of labour market generating considerable returns. Also this phase consisted most number of single woman participating in labour market. Social stigma regarding married woman also paid much to limiting the number of married women in labour market. Goldin explains this period to be the first evolutionary phase: Substantial social stigma regarding the work of wives outside the home existed due in large measure to the nature of the work. Jobs were often dirty, dangerous, repetitive, and long in hours per day and days per week (Goldin). Such situation diminished in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Colonial theory questions and joe turners come and gone Essay

Colonial theory questions and joe turners come and gone - Essay Example The play also chronicles the conflicts of slavery, identity, discrimination and racism and migration that the African-Americans had to deal with during the western colonization. Generally, the events in the play represent the kind of life that Africans were exposed to during the period of western colonization. The three main themes covered by the play are identity, migration and racial segregation. Racial Discrimination During the colonial period, western countries established colonies on other continents with the aim of making profit, expanding their territories and power, and for political and religious reasons. In Africa, the move of the western nations to colonize the continent exposed Africans to slavery, migration, discrimination and loss of African identity (Bloom, 135). Thus, in his play, August Wilson highlights the oppressions that the African people were exposed to during the colonial period. Similar to the period of western colonization, August Wilson, in his play present s African-Americans as being exploited and discriminated against by the whites. And, just as Africans were forced to migrate to other areas due to racial discrimination, August presents the life in the American South as marred with intense discrimination thus forcing some African-Americans such as Martha to migrate to Pennsylvania.

Romeo and Juliet Analysis Essay Example for Free

Romeo and Juliet Analysis Essay Throughout life, humans are put to the test and must remain true to themselves and others. In the play Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, Juliet encounters many trials and goes through several experiences. As Juliet goes through many struggles, she continues to remain loyal to her husband Romeo. Juliet remains loyal to Romeo and goes to certain extremes to remain married only to him. Juliet has been promised to marry Paris even though she is already married to Romeo. She is currently with Friar Lawrence and asking him for a way out of her promised marriage. She reasons with him saying, â€Å"’God has joined my heart and Romeo’s, thou our hands’† (4.1.56). The Friar gives her a potion to put her in a death like trance. Later on when she awakes from her trance, she discovers that Romeo has died, she says to herself, â€Å"’O, happy dagger, this is thy sheath. There rest and let me die’† (5.3.174). By gratefully accepting a poison to put her in a death like state, she is desperate and willing enough to be buried in a tomb to wait for Romeo to avoid a wedding. Once Juliet discovers Romeo dead, she is faced with marrying Paris or committing suicide to remain loyal only to Romeo. When she kills herself, she remains only wedded to Romeo. Not only is she loyal with keeping her marriage, she remains loyal when talking about him. Even when Juliet receives disastrous news, she remains true to Romeo. Juliet has just received news of her cousin’s death due to Romeo. She starts to curse him and speak badly of him but then stops and says, â€Å"’blistered be thy tongue for such a wish’† (3.2.99). Even though she is trying to cope with the death of her cousin, she continues to remain loyal to Romeo who has slain her cousin. Romeo murders her beloved cousin, and instead of her being furious at him and continuing to condemn him, she stops and defends Romeo. Rather than Juliet switching where her loyalties lie, she continues to defend Romeo and remains to love him as her husband. Throughout the several trials Juliet faces and undergoes, she perseveres and stays loyal to Romeo. Juliet is willing to go to the extremes, including death, in order to remain loyal to her husband. As she encounters times of sadness, she is able to keep thinking straight and remain faithful to Romeo. With her demonstration of loyalty, she stays committed to Romeo, which sparks other conflicts. Being loyal is required to build trust to help build a lasting relationship through the troubles till death.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Organizational Behavior-No Fair Pay In This Place Essay Example for Free

Organizational Behavior-No Fair Pay In This Place Essay The purpose of this paper is to examine the motivational effects of pay level on worker performance. It is discusses some of the elements that contributed to the employees in Western Satellite office to express feelings of inequality. Some of these elements include academic qualifications, educational background, just to mention but a few. The paper also tackles some of the reasons why the New York worker is considered a ‘comparison other’ as opposed to the worker in Seattle. Moreover, the paper explores how the issue of inequality in the case- no fair pay in this place was either resolved or not. For instance, we find in this case that this issue was not resolved. Last but not least, the paper also examines some of the other factors that may have contributed to the dissatisfaction that was experience by the two workers. Some of these factors include; lack of communication, culture, lack of adaptability, lack of empathy, just to mention but a few. Introduction  The purpose of this paper is to examine the case study that revolves around no fair pay in the workplace and the fact that employees working from different cities receive different numerations irrespective of how much responsibility one has within the organization, their academic qualifications and the years of experience within the industry in which they are operating. (Armstrong, 2006, p. 62) Question One What are some of the elements which contributed to the employees feelings of inequality? These include educational background, years of experience, responsibilities that one has and last but not least academic qualifications. The employees were stressed with the kind of work they had to perform such as having heavy load of unhappy clients and their urgent demands, complaining customers, just to mention but a few. (Meredith, 2004, p. 2) Susan was hired based on her degree in Business Administration. She was responsible in planning, problem solving and supervising a number of employees and this included Dan Donaldson, a public relations spokesperson of the company. However, despite all these responsibilities, she received a remuneration of $30,000 per annum. This was very disappointing since she had 20 years of customer relations and supervisory know-how, not to mention the current degree that she had received in business. (Meredith, 2004, p. 3) On the contrary, Helen who was based at the headquarters in New York received $40,000 in only ten months as opposed to 12. This made Susan furious since she had no customer contact, no university education, no one to supervise and no seniority. In a nutshell, Helen had an annual salary of $48,000. (Meredith, 2004, p. 3) Pay determination may possibly have one or more objectives, which may frequently be in conflict with each other. The primary is equity, and this may take numerous forms. They comprise income distribution through reduction of inequalities, defending real earnings (purchasing power), and the notion of equal pay for work of equivalent value. Moreover, pay differentials based on differences in skills are all associated to the idea of fairness. (Deckop, 2006, p. 65) Performance pay systems in organizations are based on assessment of the personality worker, often by their line administrator who may or may not be experienced in process. Performance pay is extensively renowned as contributing to pay inequalities, predominantly in this case (New York and Seattle). (Culbert, 1996, p. 68) Question Two Why the New York worker was considered a ‘comparison other’ but not the worker in Seattle? The New York worker was considered a ‘comparison other’ because the front lines of the job were in Seattle where the client based was centered and the services were rendered. Moreover, employees at Seattle received heavy load of unhappy clients and their urgent demands while she contentedly remained in her comfort zone that was stress free. Research has recommended that some individuals are more flourishing in their careers than others even when they have had equivalent learning and experimental opportunities. One clarification for these disparities may possibly relate to differences between intellectual intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ). IQ measures academic competencies or one’s aptitude to use acquaintance in making decisions and adapting to innovative situations. This can best be illustrated with Helen who works in at the headquarters in New York. However, as much as she is based in New York, all the tasks are carried out in Seattle, and this means that she is not using the little experience and experimental opportunities that she acquired to perform her duties. (Lamal, 1991, p. 72) On the other hand, EQ is a measure of expressive and societal competencies or one’s aptitude to recognize expressive expressions in someone and others. Even though both can be enhanced through training and altered over time, EQ is separate from IQ in that it is one’s aptitude to standardize emotions in reaction to ecological stimulus. EQ has been popularized as an educated skill that is a superior interpreter of life success than intellectual achievement or technological aptitude. This can best be illustrated with Susan and Dan Donaldson who had superior performance, academic achievements, work experience and interpersonal skills. They had to deal with resolving customers issues on a daily basis while Helen and her fellow workers who were based in New York sat and waited for the final produce that came from Seattle. (Harris, 2001, p. 78) The workplace surroundings idea also sees entity firm level performance such as efficiency, productivity, efficiency and competitiveness; as a result of not only the sufficiency supply of human resources with suitable skills, but also a workplace surroundings that incessantly optimizes the use of these skills throughout the way work is intended and prearranged, the suitability, access and association of supports and tools to do the work, the association of decision making, rewards and appreciation for performance. The New York worker is considered a ‘comparison worker’ as opposed to the worker in Seattle since she lacks interpersonal skills, academic achievements, superior performance, just to mention but a few. Despite all these, she is considered the best just because she is based at the head office located in New York. (Bate, 1994, p. 81) On the other hand, the Seattle worker who has all the necessary qualities such as work experience, interpersonal skills and academic qualifications; is looked down upon just because she is operating in Seattle. (Meredith, 2004, p. 2) Question Three  How was the inequality resolved? The inequality was not resolved at all. As a matter of fact, once Mr. James commented that nobody said that it was fair and rather, that was how the staff in New York are remunerated, that was the end of the discussion. Mr. James did not validate his statement, neither did he explain why that was the case. Instead, he was interested in how Susan found out about Helen’s salary. (Meredith, 2004, p. 3) Participation in the labor force is usually regarded as an important measurement of equality. Having a job is significant to individuals. Jobs are a numerically important starting point for livelihoods. They are also significant proportions of social respect, acknowledgment, individuality and self esteem. Even though the sources and solutions for increasing inequality are multifaceted and open to dispute, the corporeal and psychosomatic penalties are real and straightforward. (Mathis, 2006, p. 99) It is understandable that we require more than legislation, bylaw and exacting programs to generate a diverse workforce usual in association. We also need customs of understanding the challenges. This mean examination of ‘what goes wrong’. Both the need for continuous coercive dealings and the phenomena of the turning door or equity tell us regarding the pervasive and systemic character of the status quo in workforce composition and in the organization and conduct of business and government. (Max, 204, p. 104) When individuals talk concerning inequality, they tend to center completely on the proceeds part of the equation. According to the case- no fair pay in this place, there is the gap between the employees in New York and Seattle and this is based on remuneration amongst the employees. (Armstrong, 2006, p. 8) The verification of increasing disparity in the United States and around the globe is both obvious and disturbing. As power, capital, and probability are increasingly concerted in the hands of the extremely few, this age of â€Å"haves† and â€Å"have not† is connected with a wide range of unenthusiastic outcomes for faraway too countless. A good illustration is seen in the case-no fair pay in this place, where Western Satellite Office workers are experiencing inequality problems based on remuneration since they are not based in New York where the head office is situated. They are the ones who experience customer service problems since each and every customer wants to be served and at the end of the day, they feel so stressed and worn out, yet when it comes to remuneration they receive less than what the worker in New York receive. This is not fair since the worker in New York doesn’t experience the pressure that the Seattle worker receives. (Lamal, 1991, p. 106 Question Four What are the other factors which may have contributed to the dissatisfaction experienced by these two workers? Culture A managerial culture affects how the company performs. Culture is the behavior of a group of individuals. This consists of; the beliefs, civilization, acquaintance and practices. Individuals depend on it for security, evenness and the ability to act in response in a given circumstance. (Harris, 2001, p. 92) According to this case, the reason why Helen and Susan received different remuneration was because Helen was situated at the head office in New York. This was the culture of that organization that was based on the location of the city. Therefore, Susan having been situated at Seattle was bound on her $30,000 per annum, and this was regardless of her qualifications. (Meredith, 2004, p. 3) Lack of Communication Generally, lack of communication on the part of the boss contributes to the displeasure among the workers in the association. Communication problems are a purpose of message and organizational procedure, and managerial factors. Effectual communication of performance requirements to all workers will reduce the number of complaints and grievances. Nonattendance of this communication domino effect in workers not performing. For instance in our case, when Susan was about to present her case, Mr. James had already predicted and he simply brushed the matter off by making a comment concerning the issue. He didn’t give room for discussion concerning that matter; neither did he give an explanation nor a satisfactory solution. This resulted to laxity among the workers in the western satellite office. (Bate, 1994, p. 98) By not communicating well enough, Mr.  James avoided to get into dialogue concerning important issues such as, the reason why employees in New York receiving a higher pay as opposed to employees in Seattle. This made him appear unavailable and uncaring to Susan and the employees of Western Satellite Office; this resulted in hurting teamwork spirit and cooperation within the organization. (Deckop, 2006, p. 110) Lack of Self awareness and accurate self-assessment Without self awareness and self-assessment, Mr. James was too quick to brush off the matter that Susan had presented to him. He was unable to accept useful feedback, and he didn’t have a realistic awareness of his strengths or limitations. As a result, it created problems in their work relationships and in their personal relationships. (Culbert, 1996, p. 115) Lack of Empathy When leaders fail to demonstrate sufficient empathy in times of hesitation or crisis, they will probable be seen as unresponsive, hardhearted and in-authentic- all of which will make workers be less supportive and less communicative. The boss may be left feeling misunderstood, and will have complexity â€Å"reading† their workers. This is exactly what Mr. James did and as a result, Susan’s ability to work drastically diminished and she became less concerned with her duties and responsibilities in the workplace. (Mathis, 2006, p. 120) Lack of Adaptability Without elasticity and adaptableness, Mr. James responded negatively to the core issue that was troubling his employee Susan. This revealed emotional strain to Susan since she had to shift priorities; expressed frustration with change; had difficulties adapting Mr.  James responses and tactics to fit the emerging circumstance; and ultimately she was hesitant in taking on new challenges. (Max, 2004, p. 126) Lack of self-management Without good self management, Mr. James reacted precipitately when he predicted that there was bound to be conflict at work. This made him respond to problems in a non-constructive manner that resulted to unwanted consequences such as laxity amongst the employees (Susan). (Harris, 2001, p. 118) Conclusion  In a civilized workplace, individuals who work well ought to be rewarded through decent pay, endorsement and new opportunities, the possibility to build up new skills, admiration from coworker and management, and the individual gratification and satisfaction that comes from doing a job well. Culture determines the type of management, communication, and cluster dynamics within the association. The employees usually recognize this as the excellence of work life which directs their measure of motivation. The concluding outcome is generally performance, human being satisfaction, individual growth and expansion. All these rudiments unite to build the model or structure that the association operates from. However, all these elements are not revealed in our case since Mr. James chose not to allow room for discussion. He lacked communication skills and empathy and as a result, there was poor turnover in Susan’s output. Generally, in an organization, employers should be open with their employees and allow a forum for discussion and participation. For instance in this case, Mr.  James would have allowed Susan to present her queries and later on try to explain to her why the workers in New York had to receive a better pay than workers in Seattle. Moreover, there should be restructuring of some of the rules in Western Satellite Office and promote job enrichment. This will facilitate enlargement of the individuals within the association, better worker performance for the association, there will be maximum use of human resources for the general public at large (both in New York and Seattle), enlargement of the individual, and self-actualization of the individual.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Gender And Sexuality In Shakespeares Plays English Literature Essay

Gender And Sexuality In Shakespeares Plays English Literature Essay The three William Shakespeares plays, The Twelfth Night, Hamlet and The Winters Tale share the same theme gender and sexuality. In the three plays the plight of women is addressed (Ralli, 2008). The Twelfth Night portrays a sexual mess where people go to various heights to win the people they love. Hamlet shows how men regard women as morally corrupt because they follow their hearts desire. In The Winters Tale hatred for women is portrayed by King Leontes as he mistreats her wife and daughter on accusation of infidelity. Hamlet and The Winters tale share some similarities and differences in matters of gender and sexuality. In both plays Hamlet and The Winters Tale, Shakespeare brings out the theme of gender and sexuality. In Hamlet gender uncertainty is brought about by the motif of incest. Claudius and Gertrude are married although they were former sister-in-law and brother-in law. Ophelia and Laertes display a relationship that could be taken as incestuous. Ophelia and Laertes are sister and brother but Laertes sometimes uses sexual terms to speak to his sister. When Ophelia dies, Laertes leaps in to the grave and holds her in his arms a sign of affection (Shakespeare, 1869).Hamlet and Gertrude relationship however shows the strongest form of incest. Hamlet is obsessed with Gertrude and preoccupied with her in such a way that he is fixated with her sex life with Claudius. Hamlet shows hatred against one gender specifically women. Hamlet hates women after her mother is so fast to get married to Claudius after his fathers death. He believes that women are morally corrupt and does not take Gertrudes actions as a sign of female sexuality. Throughout the play, Hamlet is cynical about women as can be seen in his relationships with Gertrude and Ophelia. Hamlet is seen urging Ophelia that instead of facing sexual corruption it is better if she joined a nunnery. He even uses the words Frailty, thy name is woman on her mother (Gertrude) to show she hated women. In the play The Winters Tale, Shakespeare shows the theme of gender and sexuality. Hermione faces the wrath of his husband Leontes when he is faced with sexual jealousy. Leontes believes that his wife is having romantic relations with Polixenes his friend (Prosser, 2003). Instead of taking revenge on Polixenes, Leontes imprisons his wife as a punishment after Polixenes escapes. The play is full of misogyny as Leontes regards her wife as nothing. After her wife gives birth to a daughter, he claims that she belongs to Polixenes and orders her to be taken to desolate land far away. As a sign of revitalization, Shakespeare uses Perdita, Leontess daughter to build the family back together and heal the broken relationship with Polixenes. Florizel, Polixeness son falls in love with the abandoned Perdita and wants to marry her. Throughout the play Hermione spends all her time defending herself against the unjust accusations of her husband. The play shows the mistreatment of female in the soc iety. In the two plays Hamlet and The Winter Tale, the characters Hamlet and Leontes demonstrate the theme of gender and sexuality through the motif of misogyny. Hamlet displays his hate for women when he is disgusted with her mothers decision in marrying Claudius just a few days after his fathers death. Hamlet believes that this is sexual immorality. Hamlet is in love with Ophelia, Laertess brother whom she warns that she would rather go to nunnery rather than become sexually corrupted. Hamlet seems to have the opinion that a woman getting married immediately after the husbands death is immoral. He does not blame the men who do these sexual wrongs. The same character of misogyny applies to Leontes who believes her wife Hermione must pay for his suspicion of infidelity. Although he does not have any prove that his wife is unfaithful, he sends her to prison believing that she did an unforgivable sin. Leontes shows hatred for women because it would have been logical if he punished Polixenes for the same sins but after he escaped he sought to punish the wife. The hatred for women is further shown when he even refuses to acknowledge her daughter as her own. He opted to perceive her as an object of infidelity and she should be abandoned. The only difference between Hamlet and Leontes is that Hamlet is compassionate while Leontes is not. Hamlet loved her mother Gertrude despite her disloyalty. Although he hated what her mother was doing, Hamlet did not stop supporting her. Hamlet loved Ophelia despite the opposition from her family. He only condoned the character but did not use his powers to abuse or mistreat these women. On the other hand Leontes used his power to inflict physical and emotional pain to his wife and daughter who were supposed to be her family. Shakespeare has used similar figurative language in the two plays Hamlet and The Winters Tale. In both cases figurative language brings up the key ideas of gender and sexuality that show love, guilt and revenge. Both plays use a figure of speech known as soliloquy. In Hamlet the soliloquies use include instances where Hamlet says o that this too solid flesh would melt'(Act1 Scene 2), O, What a rogue and peasant slave am I'(Act 2 Scene 3), To be, or not to be'(Act 3 Scene 1), How all occasions do inform against me'(Act 4 Scene 4) among others. In The Winters Tale soliloquy is used in Act 4 Scene 3 where Autolycus speaks of his past life. Although he is addressing the audience it is as if he is talking to himself. He talks about his trickery and the way he sees a young shepherd (Clown) approach him which makes him gloat(Helprin, 2005).The most evident soliloquy is when he says I have served Prince Florizel à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ My traffic is sheets à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ With die and drab I purchased this caparison A prize! A prize!(Helprin, 2005) In both plays, Shakespeare also uses Imagery. In the Hamlet imagery is used to represent concepts and abstract ideas (Shakespeare, 1869).Act V, Scene I, Yoricks Skull discovered on the graveyard represent symbolism. The skull represents the inevitability of death. Hamlet talks to the skull a figure of speech known as soliloquy (V.i.174-179) .In The Winters Tale, imagery is used to express the contrasting ideas of guilt versus innocence. Shakespeare uses the bible to portray the sinful acts of adults. He uses Isaiah11:6-9 A little child shall lead them .Through the death of Mamillius, a little child, King Leontes is reformed. Perdita was a source of joy to Paullina, Polixenes, and Antigous and finally to Leontes (Act I, Scene II, and Lines 83-87).Shakespeare also uses epigrams in the play on Act I, Scene II, Lines 203-205 He makes a Julys day short as December. Act II, Scene III line 185 I am a feather for each wind that blows. The other similarity between Hamlet and The Winters Tale is the use of one distinct round character. In Hamlet, the main character is Hamlet. Hamlet builds up the whole story which revolves around him. In the whole play he brings out the theme of gender and sexuality through romance, guilt and revenge. Hamlet wants to eliminate Claudius because he was involved romantically with her mother which he suspects was the reason he killed her mother. In The Winters Tale Leontes is a round character who brings out the theme of gender and sexuality. Leontes is jealous because he thinks his wife and Polixenes are romantically involved (Helprin, 2005). A major similarity between the two plays is that the major conflict in the plays is brought about by romance. In the Hamlet, Claudius falls in love with Gertrude. Due to the romantic relationship he kills Hamlets father. Hamlet is thereafter trying to revenge for his fathers death. In The Winters Tale, Leontes is annoyed because he believes his wife is romantically involved with his friend. He throws his wife in prison and disowns his daughter. His daughter falls in love with Polixeness son and gets married. Their romance leads to marriage which thereafter unites the two families.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Our Moment In History :: essays research papers

Our moment in history   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My moment in history would have to be my first rave I ever went to. It was in an old abandoned warehouse and my friends and I had never been to a rave. We thought it would be a good idea to get there early so we wouldn’t stand in line to long. But as it turned out there was no line and we appeared to be the first ones there. My friend mustered up the courage to go talk to the guy at the front of the building. There was just one problem he was missing his ticket.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Not understanding that he needed a ticket to get, and that the building didn’t open for another hour, he sat there and argued with the man about how he should be let in right now. Well the man eventually calmed my friend down. But sent him to a checkpoint, which is a way, to detour people that the doormen feel should not be in the rave. Any way I was volunteered next to go up to the man after my friend drove off.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"So,† I said, â€Å"here’s my ticket when can I get in?† He explained that this building would not open for an hour and that we best drive around for an hour or so. I went back to car and told about how we were too early. They agreed that we should drive around for a while. As we drove around I saw my friend driving around. He pulled us over and started to talk to us.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Are you guys going though the check points too?† He said, but we were thinking to our selves what is he talking about? So he went on to say how he had been going to check points that take him to the rave. He asked us why we had a confused look on our face, and I said, â€Å" No reason†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Well from there we left him and went get something to eat, he would be searching all night for the remaining check points. He would be searching all night for a good reason most of them didn’t exist.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  So we went do the gas station, the only thing open past nine in Florida, and got some snacks and drove around some more. We got on the Florida turnpike and got stuck on there for about an hour and a half.

Essay on Cruelty and Compassion in Homer’s Iliad -- Iliad essays

Cruelty and Compassion in The Iliad The Iliad, in that it is more about the Greek hero Achilles than any other particular person, portrays the Achaean in surprisingly shocking light at times throughout the story. In his encounter with Lycaon, who had previously been taken prisoner by Achilles long ago, Achilles demonstrates the extents to which his warlike demeanor can go. Yet it is equally surprising that he is capable of impressive compassion, as is depicted elsewhere in the Iliad. What seems to be an almost unbelievable fluctuation in attitude and mood is far from unexplained or contradictory, however. In fact, there is a well-defined regularity in Achilles' actions and demeanors, to the point of being capable of systematic classification. Achilles is not a loose cannon or an unpredictable firebrand. The method to his madness can be applied to his encounter with Lycaon as it can with any of his episodes in the Iliad. It is in Scroll XXI, at the height of his vengeful and destructive advance, that Achilles meets Lycaon. He has just captured twelve soldiers for sacrifice, and at the exact moment that he reaches Lycaon he is "thirsting for still further blood" (33). Lycaon entreats Achilles to have mercy on him. He mentions that he has been captured before by Achilles and has had precious little time to enjoy his regained freedom. He also distances himself from Hektor, who he knows has Achilles' enmity because of the death of Patroklos. In near desperation, Lycaon falls to his knees, declaring himself to Achilles as "suppliant" (64). Achilles' reaction at this instance is, along with his defilement of Hektor's body, among the most grim and bellicose moments in the Iliad and in Achilles' development as a character. H... ...rom being shocking, it is in fact completely consistent with the character of Achilles that we see throughout the Iliad†¹fearsome in combat, respectful of honor and courage otherwise. Works Cited and Consulted: Camps, W. A. An Introduction to Homer. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980. Goodrich, Norma. Cruelty and Compassion in The Iliad . New York: Orion Press, 1962. Homer: Iliad. Trans. Stanley Lombardo. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Co., 1994. Richardson, Nicholas. The Iliad : A Commentary. Vol. VI: books 21-24. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1993. Schein, Seth L. The Mortal Hero: An Introduction to Homer's Iliad. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984. Veiner, George, and Fagles, Robert, eds. Homer: A Collection of Critical Essays. Twentieth Century Views, ed. Maynard Mack. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice Hall, 1962.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Georgia Phinn Tommie Byrd ENG 101 November 23, 2013 Domestic Violence Against Children What is domestic violence? According to the Minnesota Statue 5181B.01, Domestic Abuse Act, defines domestic violence as willfully causing physical and bodily harm, assault and infliction of fear against a family member or partner within a household (Jau, Lina, 1998). Domestic violence is a serious societal issue and it does not matter the age, the ethnic background, or economic status of that family. This paper will explore the causes and effects of domestic violence against children and the impact on a child’s development through to adulthood and what can be done to rectify this societal issue. There are numerous causes of domestic violence against children. One of a main cause is excessive consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs by an adult within the family as a factor in provoking violent and aggressive behavior towards children. A terrifying case and point is the trial of Eric Pratt. According to â€Å"Lasting Wounds For Everyone But The Batterer† (2000), Eric Pratt was sentenced 10 to 30 years for throwing his 2 year old daughter in a brick wall, knocking her unconscious and using his fist to knock out his daughter’s mother due to drug and alcohol induced fit of rage. One of the saddest part of this case is he was in complete denial at his arraignment. After investigations, it was discovered that Eric Pratt had a drug problem and the mother was aware of this problem and refused to leave the relationship. Another major cause of domestic violence against children is the high risk violent environment in which a child resides. For example in Eric Pratt’s trial case, his wife Massie was aware of Pratt abusing alcohol and ... ... to domestic violence. The abusers need to be held accountable to the full extent of the law for their actions. Library Database Jau, Lina. "What is Domestic Violence?" Asian Pages: 11. Nov 14 1998. ProQuest. Web. 22 Nov. 2013 . Milloy, Courtland. "Lasting Wounds for Everyone but the Batterer." The Washington Post: 0. Mar 22 2000. ProQuest. Web. 23 Nov. 2013 . Shah, Nirvi. "Childhood Violence; 'National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence'." Education Week 22 May 2013: 5. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 23 Nov. 2013. McCarthy, John, and Angela Alsobrooks. "The Invisible Victims of Domestic Violence." The Washington PostFeb 17 2013. ProQuest. Web. 16 Nov. 2013 . Glazer, Sarah. "Violence Against Women." CQ Researcher 26 Feb. 1993: 169-92. Web. 23 Nov. 2013. Mantel, Barbara. "Domestic Violence." CQ Researcher 15 Nov. 2013: 981-1004. Web. 16 Nov. 2013.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

We Can Raise Antibodies Against a Specific Antigen, How

We Can Raise Antibodies Against a Specific Antigen, How? BY loveyal 2345 Midterm 2 Review Antibodies Experimental Purpose: We can â€Å"raise† antibodies against a specific antigen (protein of interest) How? Polyclonal: 1 antigen with many antibodies that bind to specific sites on the antigen (Received by injecting animal with protein of interest, waiting for that animal to build antibodies (B-lymphocytes). The lymphocytes are then extracted which give us the polyclonal antibodies. Monoclonal: I antibody that binds to a specific site on the antigen. (These are received by the same way as polyclonal, expect you only extract ne antibody, and place that into a cancer cell to create a chimera of the two, the immortal cancer cell then acts like the monoclonal antibody. ) These are the best to use in experiments because they are specific to only ONE protein of interest. These antibodies can used in experiments to: Purify a protein of interest Visualize a particular protein in a live system or in a gel HowProbe the gel to visualize where a protein is. Probing Protein Structure 1) X-ray crystallography – Spend h your life producing sufficiently pure protein and obtaining a crystal protein (Crystallizing the proteins is a hard process) â€Å"Shoot† crystal protein with light, electrons, or radiation and examine the diffraction patterns with extremely powerful computers -Analyze all the data while considering the amino-acid sequence and build a 3-D model of the protein. ) NMR-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Used rarely) – For small proteins only – â€Å"Shoot† concentrated pure proteins with strong magnetic field to generate hydrogen atom vibrations. – Use computer program to measure reconstruct the structure of the protein by measuring the hydrogen atom vibrations. Mass spectrometry is used as a precursor to both of these experiments. It generates the amino-acid sequence.Protein Purification 1) Grow Cells with protein of inte rest (transferred on plasmid or native cell) 2) Lyse Cells -homogenization of tissues†did in lab -cell lysis buffers†break cell membrane -sonication†send sound waves through the cell to break membrane -pin-hole lysis†push mixture through an extremely tiny hole (Force large molecules through a small opening causes them to break apart) 3) Centrifugation A) Regular Centrifugation B) Differential Centrifugation: Sequential centrifugation @ increasing speeds (lowohigh) -low speed pellets = big things -high speed pellets= small things C) Velocity Centrifugation layer cell and lysate over a â€Å"density gradient† and centrifuge to separate by density. Remove layers to separate proteins. D)Equilibrium Sedimentation: another name for C 4) Column Cromatography 3 types Ion exchange (charge separation)†protein adheres to beads of an opposite charge Gel filtration (size separation)†matrix has holes, the large proteins come out last Affinity (Affinity s eparation)†beads have something on it that only your protein binds to. ) Electrophoresis (small volume separation or detection) -use polyacrylimide gel (creates a â€Å"mesh† in the gel to separate proteins by size and charge. separates denatured proteins 6) Isoelectric focusing based on isolelectric point of protein†2D electrophoresis Griffiths Experiment Conclusion: heat killed bacteria transformed nonviolent bacteria Extract of heat killing S-strain transform R-strain to become S-strain Isolated â€Å"transforming material† (TM) and determined it was DNA not proteins that carried genetic information. (Took 1 5 years) How do we test Added proteases Injected into mouse Mouse should live (According to beliefs during that time period) Mouse however dies Added nucleases Mouse should die (According to beliefs during that time period) Mouse however livesThis illustrated that DNA carried the genetic information Hershey-chase Experiments Bacteriophages†viru s that infect bacteria Inject DNA into bacteria (naked)†DNA unprotected by proteins Protein shell left outside of bacteria Label phages Label protein 7 groups of phages Label DNA in other groups of phages Mix both phage types with bacteria Blend bacterial mixture so that any viral parts outside the cell are ripped off Pellet bacteria and observe that only DNA label types is seen in pelleted bacteria Proved DNA carries genetic information 1) Grow bacteria with light DNA (14N) and heavy DNA (1 5N) which will separate to ifferent levels upon density-gradient centrifugation 2) Transfer heavy DNA and place in flask with light isotope Allows to eliminate conservative view 3) Heat DNA from step 2 to make it single stranded, then centrifuge.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Communication in Nursing Essay

To find out to a nonher mortal is the most caring go of all. audience and attending atomic number 18 by outlying(prenominal) the most distinguished aspect of creation a nurse (Burnard 1992). One of the fundamental principle of effective nurse is good converse sk pallids with tolerants. Being unable to cash in ones chips well up move outer with a longanimous immediately basin destroy the nurse/patient family and therefore the patient may non trust the nurse (Anon 2007). The purpose of this rise is the realise the importance of communion in nursing. Without parley nurses would be unable to volunteer the correct commission, hardly if improving communication is a bread and butter-long developmental process (Ewles and Simnett 2005). I will draw on my in- mortal experience from the clinical area to test how well the hypothesis relates to the practical post of nursing and use the process save sheet for structure and guidance. In conformation with The Nurs ing and tocology Council (2008) lavatoryon of Conduct, nurses mustiness respect pecks justifiedly to confidentia illumey.Therefore for the purpose of this essay the patient discussed is referred to as dangle C., and any soulfulnessalised or identifiable information has a akin been altered so as to value her privacy and dignity which are similarly enshrined in the Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) Code of Conduct.. I asked fille C. for explicit authorization to use our inter psycheal kin in my communications essay and advised her of my obligations on my professional conduct to which I am bound by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008), regarding professional, moral and safe practice. lack C., was in agreement to be involved with my designation and on no account was her carnal cover at risk during this interaction. I was nearing the end of my placement in a general medical cover indoors a large general hospital.The ward had a variety of medical complaints in cluding diabetes, GI disorders, stroke and alcohol liver disease. A young 21 year nonagenarian female was admitted to the ward, now known as deteriorate C., with an increased weight departure and she was in drive of suffer management. look out on C., was awaiting determinet surgery, replacement hips and replacement knees at major surgical hospital in an separate area of the country. Her health status was poor as she suffered from rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and had a congenital heart defect. command Cs., pain was managed with oramorph, ketamine and fentanyl patches, exactly these turn out to have little relief. break away C., played out the majority of time in draw back due to her severe pain, and due to this she criedout a lot. Her head was bowed and she had obstacle in making warmness contact. She verbalizeed slowly and quietly and sometimes mumbled, she was also a real sad person.I ruling that communication would be difficult with drop down C., as she was mostly in pain solely I also believed that she would like someone to talk to entirely that person would need to be a good attendant. It is weighty to remember that nurses have the job to provide care holisti shouty, for the whole person, not just for their physical ask but their mental and social needs alike (Kenworthy et al. 2002). send away C., liked to be serve in her bed e precise forenoon as movement for her was difficult. The bay that she was in was busy with little privacy plainly the curtains for seclusion. I went into wash her one aurora and because of her psoriasis she needed special creams applied religiously. She rundle quietly round her illness and explained her difficulties to me. talk about(predicate) her family, her illness and when she was younger make her sad and she was crying. I felt that Miss Cs efficiency to glide by was linked to how she felt about herself. She was over-critical about herself and underestimated her abilities.This lack of self -confidence reflected her ability to communicate (Ewles and Simnett 2005). She was in so much pain, her head was bowed and she could not make optic contact. I was leaning in culmination to her bedside, oppose was not good, her body was in addition sore. I tried to show empathy towards Miss C., by giving her time to talk, creation patient and listening to her. Was she crying because she was in so much pain or was it because she was re concern happy memories from before she fell ill? I was urgently trying to fancy how she may be feeling. According to Arnold and Boggs (2003), empathy is the ability to be sensitive to and communicate collar of the patients feelings. Being benevolent is similar to universeness empathetic in a way that it is important to get it on that Miss Cs feelings become to her and not to me. I was interested in Miss Cs illness, to look on more than about her condition and hear about her difficulties. She was very separatist and cherished to do as muc h as she could by herself. Help was minimal and she only asked when she was struggling to re-position her feet. I apply industrious listening to grant to her speak without interrupting but I paid close main(prenominal)tenance to her facial nerve expressions and body language. Argyle ( run through Kenworthy et al. 2002) suggests facial expressions provide a running remark on emotional states. I asked Miss C. open questions about her illness as I thought this would allow me to get ahead her to talk.It also allowed Miss C to trace her experiences, feelings and understandings. Open ended questions are used to elicit the client s thoughts and perspectives without influencing the teaching of an acceptable response (Arnold and Boggs 2003 p.241). I valued to try and direct her mind off her pain as it was upsetting to see her being so unhappy, so I commented on some magazines that were lying on her table and asked her about her taste in music. This was a good subject, her eyes li t up and she smiled. We finally made eye contact. development the semiotic school of thought, Miss C and myself were exchanging verbal and non-verbal communication in order to understand each others feelings. According to Kozier (2008) non-verbal communication cigarette include the use of silence, facial expressions, touch and body posture. Miss C was acute to talk about her taste in music and became very chatty, in fact, she became style of excited. I put some cds on for her to listen to and as I did this she asked me questions about my taste in music. There was now no barriers to our communication as we both shared the identical taste in music. When the music was vie Miss C was in a different world, she was more relaxed. I took her evanesce and held it gently, her eyes were closed, she was smiling and she appeared more content. By holding her hand, I felt as though I was comforting and still her.This was an indication that I really did care and that I wanted to help her. U sing touch skilfully and thoughtfully target convey that you are able to be with your patient (Benner 2001 p.57). Communication can be remedy and the music playing was not a barrier in communications, it was in fact beneficial. Therefore, it is argued that effective communication is more than delivering high quality patient-centred care but it also allows patients to feel involved in their care, which can make a large difference to their outlook on their interference (Collins 2009). Reflecting back I realised that I was really quite worried about the communication difficulties I was facing during my interaction. Miss C., was a very strong willed person who knew exactly what she needed and yet she desperately wanted to be as independent as potential. I wanted her to allow me in and for her to be comfortable with me.I am glad I lastly gained her trust and we both became more relaxed. In fact, the impact that this interaction had on our relationship was that as the days went on we became very good friends and she was very special to me. soil and Dallas (2005), suggeststhat to have an empathetic understanding of our patients needs we must acknowledge their need for comfort and we respond to this compassionately. It was important to be non-judgemental, I accepted Miss C., for who she was no matter what her mountain were and my main concern was to care for her in a professional and beneficial way and in a manner that she preferred. Putting the interaction into perspective, I originally found Miss C very demanding, always calling out and constantly pressing the call buzzer. Some staff were very loth(p) to go to her because her in-person care was very time consuming. It was time consuming but it was because she was in a lot of pain. sure enough this was a barrier to communication as some staff did not take the time to listen to what Miss C required and as health promoters, we need to develop skills of effective listening so that we can help people to talk and express their needs and feelings (Ewles and Simnett 2005). From recording and analysing my interactions I have acquire to accept people for who they are as each of us have had different experiences throughout life and these experiences make us who we are.It was also important to acknowledge Miss Cs point of view, her emotions and thoughts without judgement as being aware of these helped to appreciate her perspective and needs (Silverman et al. 2005). I have also learned to be a good listener and an active listener. Ewles and Simnett (2005) suggest that this means victorious note of the non-verbal communication as well as the spoken words. It is important to harbor eye contact, observe the body language, listen properly and pick up on non-verbal signs as well as verbal signs. The environment is important too, along with being sensitive, honest and compassionate (Anon 2007). Collins (2007) argues that judgemental attitudes can stand in the way of getting to know your patient and that labels attached to individuals such(prenominal) as demented can act as a language barrier. potent nursing requires us to be assertive, accountable and to help our patients achieve the best possible health status (Balzer Riley 2008). In conclusion, the primeval points that have been discussed in this essay are that of the importance of communicating in nursing and how nurses can improve their communication skills and swan their effectiveness. We must provide holistic care for our patients and the goal is to listen to the whole person and provide them with empathetic understanding. Another linchpin point is that we must be non judgemental no matter what the patients circumstances are.Overall communication during this interaction was positive, therapeutic and helped to build a relationship. This essay has shown how personal experience from the clinical area relates the theory to the practical side of nursing and how it is autocratic that communication is clear, understandabl e, appropriate and effective. 1819 words evidence more http//

Art Appreciation Essay

While it is and can be said that what devicework is truly up to the sweethe fine art to interprete is rightful(a) it is up to the artist to display his description of art. Thru his attainments of observation, visual modality, he displays to his thoughts and feelings condensed. whatsoever their medium whitethornbe it be painting, inscribe, or any(prenominal) of the many opposites. The world may or may not agree what art is, but the set uping is true. It is with in the snappers of the beholder. The interpretation of machination has been a long debated twitchic I society. Some say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.These being the case several(prenominal) people return tried to put a commentary of it into words. champion definition listed is an occupation requiring knowledge or learning, and goes on to say the conscious use of acquirement and yeasty imagination especially in the fruit of aesthetic objects withal works so produced (Merriam-Webster, 2012). too a far more simple worded, olibanum far complex in thought definition is graphics is melodic phrase and content (Shelly Esaak, 2012). While both say two seemingly different things, they be take up of the ever evolving definition and essence of Art.There are several types of art with in this paper I will cover eight types. They include painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, printmaking, conceptual art, installation art, and performance art. While these are a small cross section of art, they are grand acts. The first moral is painting. While there are several noticed painters and examples of their work, the example I chose to stimulate is The Adoration of the Shepherds, painted by Andrea Mantegna (1450).This piece is currently on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in parvenue York City. While this piece does fail the definition of works so produced, what about the easement? While painted in the Middle Ages, Mantegna couldnt postulate been able to witn ess the birth of Christ. He draws from the biblical tale of the birth and his own imagination to paint a portrait of the idolisation of the lord, as well as his parents doting over him. He uses his accomplishment to not only paint the adoration in the foreground, but also the landscape for miles. The fashionMantegna paints the entire encounter, while he could not have been there having happened centuries before, displays he posses the skill and imagination to merchandise a true masterpiece even though he was only in his early twenties. hotshot of the most widely known sculpture pieces is The head by Auguste Rodin (1902). The painting was originally do to be a piece included in his supply of Hell, a mass door do for the Paris Museum of Art (www. statue. com, 2012). While Rodin completed the sculpture he saw something great in the form and made it stand alone piece.Rodin applied his skill and creative imagination to craft and see the greater potential within the sculpture. A lthough not talked about as paintings and sculpture Architecture is a form of art as well. One of the most highly tell Architects is Frank Lloyd Wright. Applying his personal motto of Form follows escape (Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, 2012), he applied the artist eye to everything he created from building to furniture. One of his most noted pieces, the syndicate at Falling Water. Wright used his skill and pay back to craft the large stone house at the familys request.Although the family originally wanted the home to cause the falls Wright chose to have it located on top of the falls as an integral part of the construction (http//www. fay-west. com/fayette/fallingwater, 2005). Ansel Adams integrated his keen observation and use of skill to capture the rugged land of the western unify States during the period of 1916 to his death in 1986 (http//www. anseladams. com/ansel-adams-information/ansel-adams-biography, 2012). He took several photographs of the west, but is most illus trious for his photos of Sierra Nevada Mountains.Adams took photos of the wildlife and terrain, and development his skill and depth of knowledge of the medium he was a major contributing factor to the conservation of Yosemite National Park and the Serria Nevada Mountains. Although famous for numerous reasons, Andy Warhol was also a highly commended Printmaking Artist. Using his highly creative imagination and skill he took everyday objects such(prenominal) as soup cans and even people and made art of them. He refined a offshoot involving projection photo images to a silk screen thus speeding up his production process (http//arthistory. about. com/cs/namesww/p/warhol. htm, 2012).This gave the public a new sentry on ordinary things. Joseph Kosuth is one of the most famous artists in the realm of Conceptual Art. His piece capably name Three Chairs is currently on award at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. The exhibit has a blank and whit picture of the moderate, the act ual chair, and lastly the printed definition of the word chair (http//www. moma. org/collection/browse_results. php? object_id=81435, 2012).While this may seem exotic on the surface the artist is trying aspire out our lack of observation and is trying to tally use want to study and dive deeper into his intend meaning (The Museum of Modern Art, MoMA Highlights, New York The Museum of Modern Art, revise 2004, originally published 1999, p. 257). Ilya Kabakovs The Man Who Flew into His fork up Installation Art piece displays a waitress inside the artist true mindset. He displays true creative imagination and skill. It is a room sculptural after a Soviet apartment and has a miniature version of the artist flying thru the blur on the white board.Possibly look for remote validation (http//www. moma. org/collection/browse_results. php? object_id=81057, 2012). Lastly is Performance Art. This means of art is defined by a piece of performance art must be touch on an action carried ou t or orchestrate by an artist (Kyle Chayka, 2011). The Mirror that has been created by Iselin Bruff and Torsten Klimmer aka Omananda, perspicuous Crystal Vision is a current example of performance art (http//www. omananda. com/movies/performance-art/143-neon-pink-mangas-emerge-from-pyramids-into-qthe-mirrorq, 2012).The performers use light, projectors, film, dance and other mediums to explain the Star of David. While I in person feel this is the strangest of all art forms, it does fulfill the definition of art. While it is and can be said that what art is truly up to the viewer to interprete is true it is up to the artist to display his definition of art. Thru his skills of observation, imagination, he displays to his thoughts and feelings condensed. Whatever their medium maybe it be painting, sculpture, or any of the many others. The world may or may not agree what art is, but the grammatical construction is true. It is with in the eyes of the beholder.Referenceshttp//www.musee-r